What to Watch Tonight

Growing up movies were an important part of my family’s life. Every Friday night till I left for college we would go to Blockbuster to seek the latest releases. More times than not, we would end up picking a classic or something one us had already seen and highly recommended.

Flashforward to today, I spend every Thursday night with my own family finding a movie to enjoy. I often find myself googling “what should I watch tonight” or “what to watch tonight” to find inspiration on what to stream. I have relied a lot on the lists put together of top movies by different blogs that surface when googling these key words.

When quarantine started and life slowed down a bit, I was inspired to finally archive all of my favorite movies. What I came up with was a list of over 100 movies, and rather than keeping it an excel file I decided to put my web development skills to the test and create an easier and more reachable interface.

I am a movie enthusiast looking to share my knowledge of films that you might have overlooked. Every movie that appears on this website has been personally viewed and recommended by yours truly. The lists I have formulated were not created by a bot or algorithm. I’ve publicized these lists purely for your enjoyment, my hope is simply that you find a film that you like just as much as I did.